Monday, December 13, 2010

New to this...

I am not sure what I am doing, so who knows how this will turn out.  I guess it doesn't really matter since I will likely be the only person reading this anyway.  I am not sure what has prompted me to start a blog, but here I am. 

I am Nikki Menefee Hyatt.  Born Nicole LaMont Menefee.  My mother swears that LaMont is a family name.  I'd like to know who's family because I couldn't find anyone named LaMont in the bit of research I did.  My maiden name is Menefee, although I am not a Menefee by blood.  My dad was adopted when he was around 2 years old by Bob Menefee.  My dad's real dad was Anthony Galanti.  That whole situation is interesting, but I'll get into it another time.

I am married to Jonathan Hyatt.  We have been married for 11 and a half years now and have 4 awesome kids together.  Before I met Jonathan, I had my son Cory, so I am very lucky to have 5 awesome kids.  I was young when I had Cory - 16 years old.  Now Cory is 16 years old.  Wow that's weird.  That's the first time I thought of that.  Cory is the age that I was when I had him. 

So I have Cory who is 16, then there's Alexander who is 10, Isabella who is 8, Abigail is 4 and the newest member of the family is Elijah who is just 3 months old.  Oh I am 33 now - just thought I'd throw that out there.  I am not like my mom who to this day refuses to tell anyone how old she is.  I mean now we know because we know what year she was born, but I can't tell you how many years she told us she was 29.  I don't really get why getting older bothers some people.

So that's a little intro.  Like I said I am not sure what I am doing or why I have started this, so I don't know what I will be blogging about......but I am curious to find out.

This is me.  The picture is a couple years old, but I still look like that.
I think I have different glasses now though.