Saturday, July 30, 2011


It's 8:30 on a Saturday night and I am already in my Pj's...I have actually been in them for an hour.  They're just so comfy!  I delivered Brandi's puppy, Charisma, to her and got to see her new house.  She just moved from across the street to 4 miles away.  The house is much bigger and nicer than what they were in, but it's kind of a bummer because I can't just walk across the road.  It's all good though :-)

When I came home, Alexander, Isabella and Abigail were playing in the living room, Elijah was taking a nap and Jonathan was on the computer.  It doesn't matter if I have only been gone for 5 seconds or for 5 days, I am so happy to see them when I come home. I just wanted to get comfy and relax with them all evening so on went the PJ's.  Even though I still have dishes to do, laundry to do and dogs to feed, I am home with my family and in my pajama's - so everything is good.


See there I go again starting something and then not finishing it.  That's a nasty habit that I need to break. Well It's been 8 months since I started this thing and so much has happened.  Alexander and Isabella both ended the school year with honors and Alexander got the president's award for academic achievement which was sweet. 

In May I had to be the bad guy and and go to court AGAINST my niece in the custody hearing for her daughter.  I didn't offer, I was subpeonaed by Jessica's ex husband's lawyer because I was a main caretaker of Jessica's kids for several months.  Unfortunately Jessica is making very poor decisions in her life and it is putting not only herself, but her kids at risk.  As I have said many times, Jessica has the right to screw up her own life if she chooses to do so, but no one has the right to screw up a child's life.  If you can't  keep your kids safe, clean, fed and healthy, then you don't deserve the privilege of having them.  Children are a gift.
With that, Jessica will no longer speak to me.  It doesn't bother me, but in the same breath it does.  I miss her.  Not the way she is now, but the way she use to be.  Oh well. Maybe someday she will come around.

In June I lost my very special girl Pebbles.  Pebbles was my first Aussie and the reason I started in the breed.  She had some health issues and I never expected her to make it to her 13th birthday, but she did.  She made it to 13 years, 2 months and 1 day.  I was pretty prepared for her to go, but I wasn't prepared for the loneliness afterward.  It may seem silly because I have my other dogs, but she certainly was special.  I am sad that Elijah won't get to know her like the other kids did. But she was the first dog he ever touched. Rest in Peace old girl.

Elijah has graduated from the infant car seat to the big car seat.  We got him a new one at Sam's club last week and it makes him looks so small, yet like such a big boy.  He is almost walking now.  He can stand up on his own and if you are right there he will take a few steps. Won't be long before he is tearing the place up!  Am I ready for that?  LOL  I guess I just have to be! I can't believe he is almost a year old. 

The older kids start school in less than 2 weeks.  Alexander is going to the middle school and Abigail is starting kindergarten.  Isabella will be in the 4th grade.  It'll just be me, Elijah and the dogs home during the day.  What am I going to do with myself?  I guess I won't have any excuse for the house not being clean right?  Well it's starting to thunder, the dogs are going nuts, 'til next time!