Friday, October 21, 2011

Busy Busy Busy!!!

It's been over a month since I last posted.  I have been so busy, I barely get a chance to sit down at the computer.  I've done 2 vending events with the fleece leashes and have another one coming up on the 29th.  That will probablyh be the last one for a while.  I might sign up to do a booth at our kennel club show in April, but it depends how much the fee is and if I have to have a booth all 4 days.  I have gone ahead and gotten a website for the leashes, but I haven't done anything with it yet.  It'll be

The kids are doing awesome! Bella got straight A's on her report card.  Alex got A's, B's and 1 C.  That's actually the first time Alex got anything lower than a B.  I was a little surprised, but thinking about it, it's his first report card period his first year at the middle school.  So I guess I can cut him a little slack.  I am sure he'll pull it up with no problem.  Abby doesn't get letter grades in kindergarten, but she got S's for satisfactory with 1 P for progressing. The P was in the "Uses Appropriate Voice" column - I'd like to think that means she is soft spoken, but not my Abby - she's loud like her Momma  :-)

Elijah is running around like crazy and babbling up a storm.  He's a sweet and love able little boy, but he boy can he be stubborn!  When he gets something in his head, he is determined to do it.  You can almost see the wheels turning in his head to figure stuff out.  And he's QUICK.  While it's awesome that he is learning and developing his problem solving skills, he sure does keep us on our toes! 

I am doing OK.  I have lost 9 lbs since I went to the doctor last month.  My blood sugars have been lower due to a combination of diet, medication and exercise.  I have been kind of bad the last couple weeks on the diet and exercise due to so much running around, vending and traveling.  It's harder to eat right when you're out. Well I better get back to trying to figure out this web site thing.  I have a week to get it up and running.

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