Wednesday, January 11, 2012

OK, OK! I am back.

OK So it has been longer than I would like to admit.  I think I just saw that my last post was at the end of October.  I am not really sure why I feel bad about this since I am likely the only person who is reading this!  Let me just say it has been a whirlwind last few months.  Elijah turned a year, is running all over the place and is jibber jabering like crazy.  He is saying some words now too and at the rate he is going, he's going to be speaking full sentences soon.  He's a mess - absolutely into EVERYTHING!  and if he can climb it, he will.

The big kids are doing great!  We had a really nice Christmas and 2 week vacation from school which was great, but of course we got totally off schedule.  This is their first full week back and let's just say we're all pretty tired.  Jonathan started his new job at the post office last week too.  Thank goodness he is DONE with working at DHR.  So hopefully I'll be able to keep this updated a little better than I have  :-)

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