Thursday, August 25, 2011

Getting back on track

When I was pregnant with Elijah at about 14 weeks the doctor told me I was spilling sugar into my urine which was an indication of diabetes.  Well surprise, surprise.  My mother, father, sister and grand mom are all diabetic, so I figured it would catch up with me sooner or later.  Now granted, I also didn't do anything to prevent it either.  Sodas, especially Coke, is my weakness.  I can drink a 2 liter bottle a day or more.  Unfortunately ever since I was little, I have not been able to tolerate any artificial sweeteners, they literally make me throw up.  I have tried all kids over the years and it's always the same result.  In addition to Coke, I also love chocolate.  So even knowing the family history, I hadn't had any issues with my blood sugar or any gestational diabetes with the previous 4 babies, so I just didn't take the precautions to prevent it. 

I wasn't heavy growing up, I only gained 29 lbs when I was pregnant with Cory and I lost that right away.  I am not sure what happened, inactivity or depression maybe.  I don't know, but I slowly started gaining.  Always losing weight when I was pregnant, then gaining it back after several months. 

When the Doc told me I was spilling sugar, I knew exactly what I had to do and I started immediately watching everything I ate and trying to be more active even during the pregnancy. The doc told me he thought it was type 2 diabetes, not gestational because of the fact that it was caught so early.  Much earlier than the time they normally check for gestational diabetes and with the fact that both parents and my sister have it as well.  During the pregnancy and for about a month after Elijah was born I continued to lose weight and my blood sugar was normal.  I was down about 55 lbs. Then it started.  The weight just packed on so quickly.  I was taking Zoloft for depression and after I realized how quickly the weight was coming on, I looked and found that Zoloft is one of the anti-depressants that can cause weight gain, especially in women and that while you are on it, it's near impossible to get the weight off. I had gained 50 pounds in 6 months.  How is that humanly possible?  That is nearly 10 pounds a month! You have to consume and NOT burn off about 3500 calories to gain a pound.  Most days I don't even consume 2000 calories.  So I took myself off of the Zoloft cold turkey.  Probably not one of the smartest things I have done because I did suffer from withdraw symptoms for about a month, which wasn't fun. So with the weight back on my blood sugars have gone up again.

So fast forward to today.  I decided a few days ago that I was done, I want this weight gone and to kick this type 2 diabetes. It was so easy when I was pregnant probably for 2 reasons - it wasn't just me, my baby's health would be at risk if I didn't watch what I ate and also the fact that when I am pregnant, sugary stuff makes me feel worse. But I am not pregnant and I have to use sheer will power - something I don't have a lot of anyway LOL 

I have stopped drinking all soda and sweet tea, and eating any sweets. I am also watching my carb intake - bye bye morning bagel.  I still have my coffee with 2 teaspoons of sugar which is 8 carbs.  I am going to wean that down to 1 teaspoon of sugar soon, then hopefully no sugar.  I have to basically "detox" from sugar.  I also need to get more structured exercise, so last night, even thought it was still hot, I made myself go out for a walk for about 30-35 minutes.  It was hard, but I just did it. It will get easier.

So that is what's going on with me.  I am getting myself back on track so I can be healthy and take care of my kids.  I also want to set a good example for the kids.  I try to be sure that they eat healthy, but if they see me eating bad, they are more likely to follow the same way.  I don't want that for them.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I am loving these Sunday Fundays!!!!!

Today we went back to Alabama Adventure, but this time we did the water park.  I didn't have my phone or camera with me for fear of dropping it in the water. But we had a great time, even the Bean did too.  Although I think it was a bit much for him and maybe next time we should call it quits a little sooner.  Today was "Kids Day"  they had balloon twisters, sidewalk chalk people, and face painters. The girls wanted their faces painted  :-)

I thought it turned out quite pretty. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011


He's getting really good and is now starting to walk more than he crawls. He's also tall enough now to reach about 3-4 inches on the top of the dining room table.  So pretty much nothing is going to be safe anymore LOL.  I can't believe he is going to be a year old in 3 weeks!

Alex and Elijah

I caught Alex and Elijah snuggling on the sofa last night. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Doesn't want to go to sleep

We had to run to Walmart tonight and that messed up Elijah because he missed his late afternoon nap.  During the day for his morning nap and his early afternoon nap, he's really easy to get to sleep.  I lay him in his bed and tell him to lay his head down - he's usually out within a couple minutes.  At night, he does not want me to leave the room.  It doesn't matter what I am doing, he just doesn't want me to leave, so I don't.  I would just bring him to bed with me, but I can't with Elijah. He actually fights even worse if I bring him in my bed.  Not to mention he is very sly and quiet when he wakes up and will crawl right off the bed.  Tonight, he was tough, he protested quite a bit tonight about going to bed and I am telling you, he pooped on purpose so I had to get him up and change his diaper.  He is also now making a game of throwing his binky out of his crib. I can't help it, I think it's funny.  I try not to laugh because I know that only encourages him, but shoot, he is one funny little guy.  I guess he wants to be a night owl like his mommy  :-)

Words to live by...

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

Mother Teresa

Another Sunday Funday!

At the last minute on Sunday the kids got invited to go play at a friend's house.  We had Leona with us too.  It was a nice relaxing afternoon. 

Abigail and Corgin

Leona being goofy

Tired Alex

Leona and Bella riding around

Alex being a goofball!

It was really nice to be able just sit and watch the kids run around and play and swim with their cousin Leona and little friend Corgin.  They had a blast and were completely wore out by the time we left.  

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Little sweeties

Caught the girls and Elijah snuggled up on the sofa. 
Once again Alex was in the other room and escaped getting his picture taken.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kiwi and Sweet Potatoes

Not mixed together or anything - those were the 2 foods sor far today that I prepared for Elijah.

Kiwis are such a pretty fruit.  I decided to puree these and put them in the ice cube trays because I will be mixing them into other foods for flavor, not feeding it to him straight where I would need 5-6 oz of kiwi.

The sweet potatoes are not as pretty on the outside, but have such a pretty orange on the inside.  These I don't even put in the blender, I just used a wisk to whip them up.

 The cups are 8 oz - I think I got about 6 oz in each one.  I love the way these are stackable.  Not just that they fit ontop of each other, but they actually snap into place that way. I have more to do up for him, but probably won't get around to doing more until tomorrow.

First Day of School 2011/2012

Jonathan had already taken Alex to school - he's now in middle school.  So I didn't get a picture of him this morning.  Isabella is in 4th grade this year and Abigail is in kindergarden.  Abigail told me on the way to school "Momma, I AM a little nervous"  I told her it was OK and that I was sure the other kids in kindergarden were a little nervous too.  Isabella is my little social butterfly, she was very excited to go back to school and see all her little friends.

I am not sure why Abigail was looking at Bella's feet.

I walked Abigail to her room and introduced her to her teacher again - she met her on Monday at the meet and greet.  She seemed to want to get in the room to see the other kids, so I quick snapped this picture.

Such a big little girl.

I can't wait to go pick them up and find out how their day was.

Last night

I had just finished dinner and I looked out the kitchen window.  I needed to take a picture of it.

It was actually sprinkling too. This was nice to see because I was feeling kind of bummed with the kids going back to school today.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Making Baby Food

As I mentioned before, I make most of Elijah's food.  Since he has started on solid foods, I have purchased very few jars of the commercial baby food and I bought those for when we are out and about.  I made the other kids food before too, but I am really doing a lot more with Bean's diet.  Since reading the book Super Baby Food, it's actually been easier and believe it or not a lot more fun.  I know that pretty soon he won't need the mushed up foods anymore, the little booger is 11 months old today and has 3 teeth.  Last week I was really considering not making his food anymore because it does require cooking, storing and freezing and then when it's time to feed it, thawing it, so it is a little more time consuming but not a whole bunch.  I just can't do it.  I can't justify buying already pureed food in jars that are watered down, that don't look or smell as good as what I make for him at home.  A perfect example is the peas.  Baby food Peas in a jar are kind of a grayish green color and smell funny.  To me, they smell funny.  The peas I blend for him are a vibrant green and smell - well - like peas!  Bananas are another one that don't look or smell like a pureed banana.  So for me, it's clear, I will make my own baby food. 
I had been wondering what else I could use to easily and safely store his food in the freezer since his meals now are bigger.  I was just going to use the ice cube trays again, but I need to use about 5 - 6 cubes for him for one meal.  I have the "Baby Cubes" too - again I still have to use 3 of them.  I am also not real fond of the flip-top lid.  I was at Walmart last week buying a new dryer vent, I just happened to walk by the display of canning jars. Canning baby food is a big no no due to the risk of botulism.  I looked at them for a second and to my surprise there were packages of plastic, BPA free, 8 oz freezer jars with stackable, screw top lids!!! Ding Ding Ding!!! PERFECT!!!

So tonight when I went grocery shopping, I bought all kinds of good stuff to cook up for my little Beany Boy - butternut squash, spinach, green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, apples, mangoes, plums, avocado, blueberries, and I can't remember what else.  I figure while the big kids are at school tomorrow, I can spend the morning steaming, and mushing up food for him. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Yesterday marked 12 years of marriage!

Yesterday was our anniversary.  I can't believe it's been 12 years.  It honestly doesn't seem like it's been that long.  I have to find some pictures of when we first met and got married to post on here.  I am pretty sure there are some on the old computer.  But I found this one and it's one of my favorites. 
This is about 2 years into our marriage.  Alex was just over a year.  It was taken in the driveway of our old house in Alabaster.  I loved it there at the time.  I actually just drove the kids down that road the other day and it's sad to see how close the quarry has gotten. I have so many good memories from there. When I think about Merry Fox Farms Road, I get all warm and fuzzy inside. Good times.

Then fast foward 10 years ...

Yup, that's my Jonathan!

Toothaches do not tickle.

If you know me and my family, you know that we just have bad teeth. And if you don't know me and my family, you just learned that little tidbit of information. I guess it's just genetic and I received the "bad teeth gene" from both of my parents. I take vary good care of my teeth. I brush, I floss, I waterpik and I use Listerine a few times a week. I would prefer not to use the Listerine at all, but that nerd in me says I have to to prevent gum disease since I have such bad teeth. Maybe nerdy me is right because my gums are healthy even with "unhealthy" teeth.

Well needless to say I had a dental emergency over the weekend and it was just awful! I ended up having to have my far back upper right side molar pulled. Funny thing was, I thought for sure that tooth had a root canal and the dentist that saw me on Saturday showed me that no root canal had ever been done on that tooth. So a tooth that I thought I had saved with a root canal and a very expensive crown had to be pulled. Funny thing is, I actually don't care because it doesn't hurt anymore and to me that is worth way more. Have I mentioned I have a very, very low pain tolerance? That was probably one of the worst pain experiences I have ever had. I would put that right up there with kidney stones. Like I said, toothaches DO NOT tickle.
I have a lot more work that needs to be done on my mouth and I think going to go to the dental school because it costs about 50% less than my regular dentist and I am sure the students would have a field day with my mouth. I need to hurry and get started on that because I don't want to be in that pain again.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Learning to walk = Boo Boo's

Poor Bean bonked his eye and the bridge of his nose.  It looks like I put purple eye shadow on him.  That "learning to walk" business can be rough!
Thank goodness it didn't get his eye.

That picture at the top

I wish I could figure out how to center the picture of the kids at the top. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Growing as a mother

When I had Cory, I was really young.  Without my mom, I have no idea where we would have ended up.  We lived with my mom until I married Jonathan when Cory was 5 years old. While living with mom I wasn't really able to be a mom myself because everything I did had to go through her - it was her house and well, does any 16 year old really know how to be a mom?  Probably not. So when I got married and moved 900 miles away, I was sort of lost.  Homesick and lost as a parent.  In a matter of 2 months, I was a new wife, living 900 miles away from everything I had ever known, mom of a 5 year old AND pregnant! There were a lot of LONG phone calls to my mom.

So over the last almost 12 years and 4 children later, I am FINALLY in my own "groove" as a mother.  With each baby, I got a little more confident and relaxed.  I think the biggest growth for me as a parent has happened since Elijah has been born.  I did have one major freak out moment when Elijah was 4 days old that Jonathan still teases me for. He calls it the day I went "bat sh!t crazy" - but in my defense I was extremely sleep deprived and hormonal.

Jonathan says I am different now - a good different.  He said he saw it immediately when Elijah was born and that I was different with Elijah as an infant than I was with the other kids.  I feel different.  I am not so uptight and I don't worry like I used to about every little thing.  Don't get me wrong, I still worry, just a little less LOL  I am calmer, more at ease.  I am better.  I wasn't bad before - I am just better, a better wife, a better mother.

Family name

Dad called last night with a little information on my name.  He said that my middle name Lamont was my paternal great, great grandmother's maiden name.  I guess when I had asked my mother, maybe she didn't know exactly who it was so I got the answer "it's a family name".  I assumed it was her family, so I looked there.  No wonder I didn't find anything!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I got a little hungry and started thinking of what I could eat.  Being a somewhat "new" diabetic I still have to really think about what I am going to eat.  I looked in the pantry and the fridge and nothing seemed to appealing.  I then saw the avocado on the counter.  I bought 2 the other day when I made tacos for dinner.  It was just right.  While I was eating it I got to thinking how avocados are really good for you and even though they are very high in fat, they're low in saturated fat and and contain monounstaurated fat which can help lower cholesterol. They are rich in like 20 some essential nutrients and minerals which make them a complete food.  I have been giving Elijah some puree'd avocado since he was 6 months and eating "solid" food.  I make sure he gets a little at least 3 times a week.  It's such a good first baby food that I don't know why the baby food companies aren't putting it in their little jars are charging for it.  I mean that really doesn't matter to me personally since I make most of his food anyway.  Abigail loves it just cut up into little chunks.  Alex and Bella aren't real fond of it, but they will eat it. Since Avocados are considered a complete food you could actually live off of them.  I am not sure I would want to do that, but I am certainly going to certainly be adding them more to our diet, not just Elijah's :-)

Who know this little, kind-of-ugly fruit could be so wonderful!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday Funday!

After church Malia, Jonathan's sister, asked if we could go to Alabama Adventure.  It's a small amusement park outside of Birmingham.  I had been there once before but didn't really do anything except walk around because I was having a problem with my neck and didn't want to get jerked around on the rides.  I am not a real fan of rides to begin with.  I don't know why because when I was younger I use to ride all the roller coasters and rides, but as I have gotten older, I have developed this fear of them.  Well I didn't have the excuse of a sore neck so I thought "Ok I'll ride a few".  First ride was the ferris wheel - seems harmless enough right?  We walked up, got in the bucket and I was fine - until the thing started moving! I thought I was going to have a come apart right there.  All the sudden I was frozen with fear.  I couldn't open my eyes, I had a death grip on the bucket rail and the pole in the middle. If Jonathan or the kids made it move the slightest bit or even began to talk, I began to freak out.  "SHHHH!!!! DON'T MOVE!!!" came out of my mouth a lot.  I actually don't think I have ever had that type of reaction to something before.  I felt bad because Alex and Bella were looking at me and saying "Momma it's OK" and Jonathan was across from me telling me "It's OK, just open your eyes".  I was finally able to open my eyes, but I still couldn't move.  I could look around just with my eyes, as long as I didn't move my head because if I moved my head the bucket would move and I just couldn't stand that feeling. So it went around and around and while I was still grasping onto the rail and the pole and couldn't move, the feeling of shear terror did start to subside a little.  I sure was glad when it was over and that we were the first off.  Jonathan laughing said he was proud of me for getting on it, but he didn't understand why I didn't want them to even talk.  You know what, I don't know why either, all I know is I was scared.

After that we went on a nice river raft ride which I was totally fine with and even rode it twice. As we were walking up to it, Alex asked me if I was going to be OK LOL Sweet kid.

I was afraid my phone would get wet so I only snapped a few pics of the first time around.  That's Malia in the red shirt with Bella.  She is seriously the best sister in law anyone could ask for - I love her!  I think she was looking at that family with the kids who were screaming - they were um, interesting. 

After that, the kids rode this bright green thing that spins in circles and goes upside down - I opted out for that one! Then the kids wanted to ride the Himalaya which I remember from my Dorney Park and New Jersey boardwalk days, but I think it was called the Enterprise back then.  I was going to sit out, but Jonathan asked me if I wanted to ride with the kids.  I figured they would like that and they did.  This ride spins you around a track that goes over bumps, there's really loud music playing and the person sitting to the outside gets squished.  I sat on the outside so I didn't squash my babies  LOL

They squashed me  LOL They really enjoyed it.  We didn't get a lot of time there yesterday so we are hoping we can go back again next weekend since the kids have season passes and we can get in for free with them.  We don't really get to take vacations and stuff like that due to having the dogs, so being able to do stuff like this or going to the lake is really special to me and I know it is to the kids too.

I told Jonathan that when we go again, I would try the ferris wheel again, but I can't guarantee that I won't have the same reaction.  I will try though  :-)