Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Making Baby Food

As I mentioned before, I make most of Elijah's food.  Since he has started on solid foods, I have purchased very few jars of the commercial baby food and I bought those for when we are out and about.  I made the other kids food before too, but I am really doing a lot more with Bean's diet.  Since reading the book Super Baby Food, it's actually been easier and believe it or not a lot more fun.  I know that pretty soon he won't need the mushed up foods anymore, the little booger is 11 months old today and has 3 teeth.  Last week I was really considering not making his food anymore because it does require cooking, storing and freezing and then when it's time to feed it, thawing it, so it is a little more time consuming but not a whole bunch.  I just can't do it.  I can't justify buying already pureed food in jars that are watered down, that don't look or smell as good as what I make for him at home.  A perfect example is the peas.  Baby food Peas in a jar are kind of a grayish green color and smell funny.  To me, they smell funny.  The peas I blend for him are a vibrant green and smell - well - like peas!  Bananas are another one that don't look or smell like a pureed banana.  So for me, it's clear, I will make my own baby food. 
I had been wondering what else I could use to easily and safely store his food in the freezer since his meals now are bigger.  I was just going to use the ice cube trays again, but I need to use about 5 - 6 cubes for him for one meal.  I have the "Baby Cubes" too - again I still have to use 3 of them.  I am also not real fond of the flip-top lid.  I was at Walmart last week buying a new dryer vent, I just happened to walk by the display of canning jars. Canning baby food is a big no no due to the risk of botulism.  I looked at them for a second and to my surprise there were packages of plastic, BPA free, 8 oz freezer jars with stackable, screw top lids!!! Ding Ding Ding!!! PERFECT!!!

So tonight when I went grocery shopping, I bought all kinds of good stuff to cook up for my little Beany Boy - butternut squash, spinach, green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, apples, mangoes, plums, avocado, blueberries, and I can't remember what else.  I figure while the big kids are at school tomorrow, I can spend the morning steaming, and mushing up food for him. 

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