Monday, August 8, 2011

Toothaches do not tickle.

If you know me and my family, you know that we just have bad teeth. And if you don't know me and my family, you just learned that little tidbit of information. I guess it's just genetic and I received the "bad teeth gene" from both of my parents. I take vary good care of my teeth. I brush, I floss, I waterpik and I use Listerine a few times a week. I would prefer not to use the Listerine at all, but that nerd in me says I have to to prevent gum disease since I have such bad teeth. Maybe nerdy me is right because my gums are healthy even with "unhealthy" teeth.

Well needless to say I had a dental emergency over the weekend and it was just awful! I ended up having to have my far back upper right side molar pulled. Funny thing was, I thought for sure that tooth had a root canal and the dentist that saw me on Saturday showed me that no root canal had ever been done on that tooth. So a tooth that I thought I had saved with a root canal and a very expensive crown had to be pulled. Funny thing is, I actually don't care because it doesn't hurt anymore and to me that is worth way more. Have I mentioned I have a very, very low pain tolerance? That was probably one of the worst pain experiences I have ever had. I would put that right up there with kidney stones. Like I said, toothaches DO NOT tickle.
I have a lot more work that needs to be done on my mouth and I think going to go to the dental school because it costs about 50% less than my regular dentist and I am sure the students would have a field day with my mouth. I need to hurry and get started on that because I don't want to be in that pain again.

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