Thursday, August 25, 2011

Getting back on track

When I was pregnant with Elijah at about 14 weeks the doctor told me I was spilling sugar into my urine which was an indication of diabetes.  Well surprise, surprise.  My mother, father, sister and grand mom are all diabetic, so I figured it would catch up with me sooner or later.  Now granted, I also didn't do anything to prevent it either.  Sodas, especially Coke, is my weakness.  I can drink a 2 liter bottle a day or more.  Unfortunately ever since I was little, I have not been able to tolerate any artificial sweeteners, they literally make me throw up.  I have tried all kids over the years and it's always the same result.  In addition to Coke, I also love chocolate.  So even knowing the family history, I hadn't had any issues with my blood sugar or any gestational diabetes with the previous 4 babies, so I just didn't take the precautions to prevent it. 

I wasn't heavy growing up, I only gained 29 lbs when I was pregnant with Cory and I lost that right away.  I am not sure what happened, inactivity or depression maybe.  I don't know, but I slowly started gaining.  Always losing weight when I was pregnant, then gaining it back after several months. 

When the Doc told me I was spilling sugar, I knew exactly what I had to do and I started immediately watching everything I ate and trying to be more active even during the pregnancy. The doc told me he thought it was type 2 diabetes, not gestational because of the fact that it was caught so early.  Much earlier than the time they normally check for gestational diabetes and with the fact that both parents and my sister have it as well.  During the pregnancy and for about a month after Elijah was born I continued to lose weight and my blood sugar was normal.  I was down about 55 lbs. Then it started.  The weight just packed on so quickly.  I was taking Zoloft for depression and after I realized how quickly the weight was coming on, I looked and found that Zoloft is one of the anti-depressants that can cause weight gain, especially in women and that while you are on it, it's near impossible to get the weight off. I had gained 50 pounds in 6 months.  How is that humanly possible?  That is nearly 10 pounds a month! You have to consume and NOT burn off about 3500 calories to gain a pound.  Most days I don't even consume 2000 calories.  So I took myself off of the Zoloft cold turkey.  Probably not one of the smartest things I have done because I did suffer from withdraw symptoms for about a month, which wasn't fun. So with the weight back on my blood sugars have gone up again.

So fast forward to today.  I decided a few days ago that I was done, I want this weight gone and to kick this type 2 diabetes. It was so easy when I was pregnant probably for 2 reasons - it wasn't just me, my baby's health would be at risk if I didn't watch what I ate and also the fact that when I am pregnant, sugary stuff makes me feel worse. But I am not pregnant and I have to use sheer will power - something I don't have a lot of anyway LOL 

I have stopped drinking all soda and sweet tea, and eating any sweets. I am also watching my carb intake - bye bye morning bagel.  I still have my coffee with 2 teaspoons of sugar which is 8 carbs.  I am going to wean that down to 1 teaspoon of sugar soon, then hopefully no sugar.  I have to basically "detox" from sugar.  I also need to get more structured exercise, so last night, even thought it was still hot, I made myself go out for a walk for about 30-35 minutes.  It was hard, but I just did it. It will get easier.

So that is what's going on with me.  I am getting myself back on track so I can be healthy and take care of my kids.  I also want to set a good example for the kids.  I try to be sure that they eat healthy, but if they see me eating bad, they are more likely to follow the same way.  I don't want that for them.

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