Monday, August 1, 2011

Sunday Funday!

After church Malia, Jonathan's sister, asked if we could go to Alabama Adventure.  It's a small amusement park outside of Birmingham.  I had been there once before but didn't really do anything except walk around because I was having a problem with my neck and didn't want to get jerked around on the rides.  I am not a real fan of rides to begin with.  I don't know why because when I was younger I use to ride all the roller coasters and rides, but as I have gotten older, I have developed this fear of them.  Well I didn't have the excuse of a sore neck so I thought "Ok I'll ride a few".  First ride was the ferris wheel - seems harmless enough right?  We walked up, got in the bucket and I was fine - until the thing started moving! I thought I was going to have a come apart right there.  All the sudden I was frozen with fear.  I couldn't open my eyes, I had a death grip on the bucket rail and the pole in the middle. If Jonathan or the kids made it move the slightest bit or even began to talk, I began to freak out.  "SHHHH!!!! DON'T MOVE!!!" came out of my mouth a lot.  I actually don't think I have ever had that type of reaction to something before.  I felt bad because Alex and Bella were looking at me and saying "Momma it's OK" and Jonathan was across from me telling me "It's OK, just open your eyes".  I was finally able to open my eyes, but I still couldn't move.  I could look around just with my eyes, as long as I didn't move my head because if I moved my head the bucket would move and I just couldn't stand that feeling. So it went around and around and while I was still grasping onto the rail and the pole and couldn't move, the feeling of shear terror did start to subside a little.  I sure was glad when it was over and that we were the first off.  Jonathan laughing said he was proud of me for getting on it, but he didn't understand why I didn't want them to even talk.  You know what, I don't know why either, all I know is I was scared.

After that we went on a nice river raft ride which I was totally fine with and even rode it twice. As we were walking up to it, Alex asked me if I was going to be OK LOL Sweet kid.

I was afraid my phone would get wet so I only snapped a few pics of the first time around.  That's Malia in the red shirt with Bella.  She is seriously the best sister in law anyone could ask for - I love her!  I think she was looking at that family with the kids who were screaming - they were um, interesting. 

After that, the kids rode this bright green thing that spins in circles and goes upside down - I opted out for that one! Then the kids wanted to ride the Himalaya which I remember from my Dorney Park and New Jersey boardwalk days, but I think it was called the Enterprise back then.  I was going to sit out, but Jonathan asked me if I wanted to ride with the kids.  I figured they would like that and they did.  This ride spins you around a track that goes over bumps, there's really loud music playing and the person sitting to the outside gets squished.  I sat on the outside so I didn't squash my babies  LOL

They squashed me  LOL They really enjoyed it.  We didn't get a lot of time there yesterday so we are hoping we can go back again next weekend since the kids have season passes and we can get in for free with them.  We don't really get to take vacations and stuff like that due to having the dogs, so being able to do stuff like this or going to the lake is really special to me and I know it is to the kids too.

I told Jonathan that when we go again, I would try the ferris wheel again, but I can't guarantee that I won't have the same reaction.  I will try though  :-)

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